Hatha Yoga - History , Practice and Benefits

In Indian scripture there is many reference for Hatha Yoga.

The major sources in the field of Hatha Yoga come from Hatha pradipika of Svatmarama.

Then we have Goraksha Samhita of the Gorakhnath. and we have Gheranda samhita of the Yogi Gheranda. Then,  Hatha ratnavali, Srinivasa bhatta maha Yogendra.

We have Shiva Samhita, the complex physiology have been talked about in this dimension. So in this text, we have 84 asanas, % types of pranayama, Mudras, Shanti practice and Meditation.



Hatha Yoga - Practice And Benefits

What is the objective of this Hatha Yoga?


It is the purification of the body and the mind and the Prana and the emotions. And to bring the harmonization of the body, Prana, and the mind, and leading to the Raja Yoga: the supreme Patanjali Yoga.

Now coming to Hatha Yoga Pradipika, it is known as Shadanga Yoga. The Hatha yoga of the Svatmarama is considered to be the six-limbed Yoga. But patanjali’s is Asthangyoga. Svatmarama describes this entire dimension of Hatha Yoga, in his Hatha Pradipika in four chapters.

The chapter one, he calls as ‘Anasanas’. In chapter one he gives Yama and Niyama as do’s and don’ts. Then he gives asanas, the postures.

The second chapter is Pranayama. In this chapter there is Shad-kriyas (cleansing techniques), as preparation to Pranayama.

In the third chapter there is Mudras and bandhas.

Finally the Smadhi- the absorption is the last chapter. These are the six limbs- Asanas, Shad-kriyas, Prnayama, Bandhas, Mudras and Samadhi. They are called as Shadanga Yoga. Each of these limb is to take us to highest level.



Hatha Yoga - Practice And Benefits

What does Hatha Yoga mean?

‘Ha’ represent the Surya nadi and ‘Tha’ represent the Chandra nadi and Hatha Yoga brings harmonization of the two. Brings equalization of both; stabilization of breath by Pranayama. And to make the dynamic – the latent force in the body ‘Kundalini’ to come up.

Objective of the Hatha Yoga is to bring the balance between the Ida and Pingla nadi or the ‘Ha’ and the ‘Tha’- the Sun nadi and the Moon nadi, existing in our Pranayama kosha. These nadis allow the Prana to flow.

The meaning of Hatha in general is known as will power. Ha, Hatha is the will power. But here it used in a very specific technical term.



What should be the quality of the person to start the Hatha Yoga?

Zeal, perseverance, courage, true knowledge, firmness and avoiding the company of common people are the six qualities which bring success in Yoga.



Practice of the Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga starts with the Yama and Niyama, then Yogic postures. Asanas help us to use the body to gain mastery over the mind. The key stretch and relax – all group of muscles should be done.

Hatha Yoga essentially specializes in the dynamic asana postures. In the Hatha Yoga it is to shatter the tamas, to purify the system – the muck, the dirt, the laziness, lethargy, everything has to be shattered.

Yoga asanas have been classified according to standing, sitting, prone and supine postures. Or in general, we can say relaxation posture, meditation posture and the cultural posture. And objective is gaining mastery over the mind.

So what is needed for this to happen is the thought purification; the purification of the body, the Prana, the mind and the emotions. By such purification there is going to be transmutation of the physical elements of the body into non-physical subtle layers of our consciousness; physical elements which are very subtle   take place.

We know in science matter and energy are one and the same. Matter can be converted to energy and energy can be converted in to matter. So everything is nothing but the energy im the whole physical universe.

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Benefits of Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga asanas help in improving circulatory and musculoskeletal system function.

Hatha Yoga asanas help in lower production of cortisol, a hormone that helps to release stress in body. Due to this you will be out of hypertention.

This asana will help the individual to carry out their complete body weight on their hands and legs. As a result, bone density will increase.

This asanas will help to keep the body fit and help in preventing disease.

If you practice Hatha Yoga, your body will move in all directions. This will helps in reducing mobility joints.

When you practice shoulder stand and headstand yoga asana, blood and oxygen will flow in the reverse direction. This will help the oxygen to spread to each and every part of the organ in the body.

By practicing Hatha Yoga asana, you will be mentally, spiritually and physically healthy.

Also checkout - What is Yoga?

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