What is Yoga? | What is Yogasan ? |  Benefits of Yoga.

What is Yoga? | Benefits of Yoga | Yoga- for everyone.

What is Yoga? Where it comes from? Is Yoga just an another form of exercise ?  Whether Yoga is from a certain religion, a philosophy, an ideology? Or is Yoga something else entirely?

The word "Yoga" means "Union".Union means it brings you to the ultimate reality, where individual manifestations of life are surface bubbles in the process of creation. 

In the Yogic system, there is very little significance given to Asanas. Today’s world has chosen to represent Yoga with only the physical aspect. For a little over two hundred Yoga Sutras, only one sutra is dedicated to Asanas. But somehow, in modern times, this one sutra has gained significance over everything else.

The physical body has a whole memory structure. If you are willing to read this physical body, everything – how this cosmos evolved from nothingness to this point – is written into this body. When you do Asanas, you are opening up that memory and trying to restructure this life towards an ultimate possibility.

Yoga is very wide and deep subject to learn about but in this topic we are only going to discuss about the basic thing about Yoga , Yoga Asanas and  benefits of the Yoga.

What is Yoga? | Benefits of Yoga | Yoga- for everyone.

Yoga has its significance since ancient time, and it is true that Yoga has helped many of us to live calm and peaceful lives.

Let’s see how Yoga can improve the well being of Human being. In such a busy and hectic life style schedule problem of peoples are also increasing. In this time yoga is like a ray of hope. Yoga simply means to be in perfect tune.

When you are doing Yoga, at that time your body, mind and energy and existence are in absolute harmony. When your body and mind are in a relaxed state and at a certain level of blissfulness, you can be free of so many nagging ailments.

Oxford university found the people who practice Yoga even once in week, with less stress , low blood pressure and better sleep at night. Yoga is just not good for your mental health but according to many research it can help in muscular problems like back pain, it can also give relief in Asthma.

Yoga is an ideal exercise to body and mind. Practicing Yoga offers a number of health benefits including a healthy and strong body, peace of mind, increased focus and concentration, etc.

What is Yoga? | Benefits of Yoga | Yoga- for everyone.

Let’s take a look at the benefits of the Yoga to our body.

Improves your flexibility and posture

You only need to add Yoga in your daily routine to benefit from a body that is strong , supple and flexible. Regular Yoga practice stretches and tones the body muscles and also makes them strong. It also helps improve your body posture when you stand , sit , sleep and walk. This would in turn help relieve you of body pain due to incorrect posture.

Lowers blood sugar

Yoga lower blood sugar and LOL (bad) cholesterol and boost HDL (good) cholesterol.

In people with diabetes, Yoga has been found to lower blood sugar in several ways by lowering cortisol and adrenaline levels, encouraging weight loss and improving sensitivity to the effect of insulin get your blood sugar level down and you decrease your risk of diabetic complications such as heart attack, kidney failure and blindness.

Weight loss

Yoga for weight loss can be effective, it can help you boost metabolism and build stronger muscles. Two things are essential for weight loss. 

If you start eating more whole , organic foods while performing a daily yoga routine you will be more likely to see the pounds come off quicker.

Improve breathing

Yoga includes breathing practices known as a Pranayam , which can be effective for reducing our stress response , improving lung function and encouraging relaxation.

Many Pranayama emphasize slowing down and Deeping the breath which activates the body’s parasympathetic system or relaxation response. By changing our pattern of breathing we can significantly affect our body’s experience of and response to stress.


Yoga improves blood circulation by transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout your body. Yoga practice provides healthier organs, skin, and brain.


Regular Yoga practice provides consistent energy. In fact, most yogis state that when you perform your Yoga correctly you will feel energized after your Yoga session rather than tired.

Yoga naturally reduces pain

This is one of the most important health benefits of Yoga. There is countless studies which proves that yoga can be very effective at relieving pain, it doesn’t matter if you suffer from fibromyalgia, arthritis or migraine headaches.

Yoga has been proven to effectively reduce pain from all these ailments and if you are one of the millions of people that suffer from back pain. Yoga can make that pain practically disappear.

Cardiovascular conditioning                                           
Even a gentle Yoga practice can provide cardiovascular benefits by lowering resting heart rate increasing endurance and improving oxygen uptake during exercise.

Mental sharpness

Regular practice of Yoga has been proven to help with memory and concentration and even, in recent studies, it’s been shows to help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease. 

What is Yoga? | Benefits of Yoga | Yoga- for everyone.

One of the great lessons of Yoga is that you can change your posture when you change the way you breathe. Change your breathing and you can change your nervous system. Everything is connected, your hipbone to your anklebone, you to your community, your community to the world. This interconnection is vital to understanding yoga.

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